A Personal Well of Truths is the Best Source of Inspiration

There is no greater source of inspiration than one's own personal well of truths.

This is because when we are able to tap into our own innermost thoughts and feelings, we are able to connect with our authentic selves.

This connection allows us to access a deep level of wisdom and creativity that we may not otherwise be able to tap into.

When we are in touch with our personal truths, we are able to inspire others to do the same. This is because we share a part of ourselves that is real and true, and this is what everyone seeks.

Listen as to how Kelvin Han Yee draws from his own well of inspiration and replicates his own experiences into his Partner Track character, Franklin “Papa” Min!

Stay tuned to Season 5 of Color of Success Podcast, coming your way in 2023!

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Website: https://www.colorofsuccesspodcast.com
LinkedIN: https://www.linkedin.com/in/stephaniewong2/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiaS5_HScsbFOJE5lYrEsxw
Instagram: www.instagram.com/color_of_success/