Why 'Colorblindness' Isn't the Answer: A Deep Dive into Racial Perception

LeRon Barton, a man of wisdom and insight, recently shared his thoughts on the concept of colorblindness. 🎎

He believes that the notion of colorblindness, while seemingly positive, is not the ideal approach. 🏮

Why, you ask?

Well, he explains that to be colorblind, we would need to exist in a utopian society, a far cry from the reality of our world, especially America. 🎐

Moreover, he emphasizes that our experiences and backgrounds shape our identities. To truly 'see' someone, we must acknowledge and accept all aspects of their identity, including their color.

To bypass this is to deny the essence of who they are.

So, let's not strive for colorblindness, but rather, for color acceptance and appreciation.

Full interview: https://www.colorofsuccesspodcast.com/leron-barton-id-rather-be-rejected-for-who-i-am-than-be-accepted-for-who-im-not/

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#ColorblindnessDebate #RacialEquality #LeRonBartonInterview